Does Your Teen Need A New Doctor?

If your child has been fortunate enough to see the same doctor for most of his or her childhood, you may be loath to "shake up" that relationship when he or she hits puberty. But for some children, the idea of confiding personal or potentially embarrassing things to the doctor who has seen them since they were in diapers can get in the way of proper medical care, and changing who you go see can let your teen visit with family practice professionals now that they're growing older than many pediatric patients. How can you know whether your teen needs a new doctor? Read on for some factors you may want to consider when exploring your options. 

Does Your Child's Pediatrician See Teens?

Most pediatricians will continue to see patients through their late teen years, but not all do; it can pay to check with your pediatrician or medical practice to see if there is a patient age policy in place. Depending on how old your child is currently and where they're planning to live after high school, it may not make sense to switch for just a year or two if the doctor-patient relationship is otherwise good and the pediatrician is able to continue seeing your teen.

Is Your Child Shy or Easily Embarrassed?

Even adults can find it tough to describe sensitive health-related conditions to their doctors. For some teens, starting fresh with a relative stranger can actually encourage them to open up; for others, sticking with someone known and trusted is the key to honesty. You may also want to begin to evaluate whether you still need to accompany your teen into the examination room for appointments, especially once they've reached the age at which they may be considering sexual activity. You know your child best, so it may be worthwhile to have a few casual conversations to gauge where they fall on the scale.

Would a Family Practice Be More Convenient? 

If your child's current pediatrician is in a kids-only practice or isn't associated with the doctors you and other family members visit, convenience considerations can sometimes require moving all of a family's doctors to one location. Alternatively, if you've been looking for a new doctor yourself and your child's pediatrician is in a family practice, it can be worthwhile to see if any other physicians are accepting new patients. Having all your family's medical records and physicians in one place can save time in a true emergency and be more convenient when it comes to regular checkups, vaccinations, and sports physicals.

If you are looking for a medical solution to fit your family's situation, contact a company that provides family medical practice services in your area.

About Me

Helping My Kids To Improve Their Health

I have always been one of those people who is overly concerned about parenting effectively, but a few weeks ago, I realized that my kids were really struggling with their health. They just weren't getting as much exercise as they needed, and it was really hard to watch them struggle with weight-related issues at such a young age. Fortunately, by working with our health team, we were able to create a treatment plan to improve each of our kid's lives. Check out this website for more information on helping kids live healthier, longer lives while enjoying the way they feel.


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